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Idw Comics Scarenthood 1 (Of 4)

Units in Stock: 10 |AUG200570

$5.29 inc. tax

$4.99 ex. tax
? Tax based on Pennsylvania, United States.

Idw Comics Scarenthood 1 (Of 4) Summary

Preorder today, estimated to arrive 10-28-2020. Estimated arrival time, subject to change.

(W) Nick Roche (A/CA) Nick Roche
TO-DO LIST: Drop kids at preschool/ Grab coffee with other parents/ Go ghost-hunting in woods/ Fight demonic entity/ Collect kids/ Naptime.
With their kids away on a field trip, a group of parents disturbs an ancient evil buried beneath the old Church Hall, unearthing a decades-old mystery about a missing child, and inviting something... hungry into their lives. Suddenly, their mornings go from playdates and peanut allergies, to a battle for the souls of one broken family?-and one child in particular.
What scares you the most: fighting demons, or letting your kids down? Nick Roche (Transformers: The Wreckers Saga, Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows) and Chris O'Halloran (Ice Cream Man) have the answers.
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